AI mod (multiplayer) 800E1020 00XX Computer AI In Current Match (multiplayer) 800E1000 00XX normal ai: XX= Cpu AI 00-inbred.(cpus take it all easy, and doesn't run away from bombs or grenades) 01-crap.(same as inbred, only a little bit smarter) 02-normal.(quite smart) 03-bastard.(even smarter) 04-einstein.(Super Smart cpus) invalid ai:(invalid ai levels tested on project 64. what's different on console i haven't had time to spend at, but most of them lock the game up after a multiplayer game has been started(heist to what i can remember).)(Even though some of them have no description, they still work.) 05-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game AI Info: 05(cpus appear to behave like normal, but when they obtain weapons, AND pulls them out, and is ABOUT to use them, they don't aim them properly, thus leading to funny, and strange things, like having them commit suicide(if the bazooka is their weapon.). Most of these invalid AI levels are like that, because Rare did not program them, but they're part of the AI data, so, they are in the game.) 0006-quit. AI Info: 06(cpus appear to behave like normal, like the normal ai levels. but they still seem to have difficulty with aiming the bazooka more properly, as they rotate a little bit back and forth. When they use the sniper rifle, they aim at you, but never shoots you, same goes for the crossbow. they do avoid the bombs though, and they also use the knife like normal.) 07-8"skull"wnd?333?. AI Info: 07(cpus don't use the sniper and crossbow, but they do aim the knife just like they should, same goes for the bazooka) 08-beachhead. AI Info: 08(cpus do use the sniper and crossbow, and aims them correctly, but they shot at you rapidly, thus making it a little harder to avoid the projectiles, same thing with the bazooka) 09-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game AI Info: 09(cpus use the sniper and crossbow, but never aim them properly, same goes for the bazooka) 0A-forwards. AI Info: 0A(same as 09) 0B-backwards. AI Info: 0B(same as 0A) 0C>10-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game AI Info: 0C(same as B, but they fire the crossbow at a slower pace) AI Info: 0D(same as 09-0B, but they never use them.) AI Info: 0E(same as 0D) AI Info: 0F(same as 0E) AI Info: 10(cpus fires the crossbow at a even slower pace) 11-quit. AI Info: 11(cpus fires the crossbow a little faster, but never aims it properly) 12-picture. AI Info: 12(same as 0C) 13-deathmatch. AI Info: 13(cpus fires the crossbow rapidly, same goes for every else shooting weapon) 14-picture. AI Info: 14(cpus never uses the crossbow and sniper) 15-deathmatch. AI Info: 15(same as 14) 16>17-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game 18-off. AI Info: 18(cpus use the sniper and crossbow, but never aim them properly, same goes for the bazooka) 19-off. AI Info: 19(cpus use the sniper and crossbow, but never aim them properly, same goes for the bazooka) 1A-off. AI Info: 1A(cpus use the sniper and crossbow, but never aim them properly, same goes for the bazooka) 1B-english. AI Info: 1B(cpus use the sniper and crossbow, but never aim them properly, same goes for the bazooka) 1C-off. 1D-japanese. 1E-off. 1F-off. 20-off. 21-off. 22-on. 23-off. 24-off. 25-english. 26-off. 27-crap. 28-on. 2A-on. 2B-on. 2C-time. 2D>2E-off. 2F-english. 30-off. 31-capture flag. 32-collection. 33-battle. 34>35-weasels vs tediz. 36-cash. 37>38-off. AI Info: 37(cpus aims the crossbow and sniper at you, but never use them) AI Info: 38(cpus use the sniper and crossbow, but never aim them properly, same goes for the bazooka) 39-forwards. AI Info: 39(cpus never uses the crossbow and sniper) 3A-off. AI Info: 3A(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper, but aims downwards, almost at his torso) 3B-infinite. AI Info: 3B(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper, but aims downwards, almost at his torso) 3C-battle. AI Info: 3C(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper, but aims downwards, almost at his torso) 3D>3F-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game AI Info: 3D(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 3E(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 3F(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) 40-collection. AI Info: 40(cpus use the crossbow and sniper, and fires it rapidly, but cannot aim properly) 41>42-off. 43-cheats. 44-off. 45-multiplayer. 46-battle. 47-ujug1 48>49-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game 4A-collection. 4B>4C-off. 4D-infinite. 4E-off. 4F-page. 50-battle. 51-uo4uj1 52>53-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game 54-collection. 55>56-off. 57-score. 58-off. 59-japanese. 5A-battle. AI Info: 5F(cpus use the crossbow and sniper, but cannot aim properly) AI Info: 60(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 61(cpus use the crossbow and sniper, but cannot aim properly) AI Info: 62(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 63(cpus use the crossbow and sniper, but cannot aim properly) AI Info: 64(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) 65-ujug1 AI Info: 65(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 66(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 67(cpus use the crossbow and sniper, but cannot aim properly) AI Info: 68(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 69(cpus use the crossbow and sniper, but cannot aim properly) AI Info: 73(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 74(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 75(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 76(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 77(cpus aims the crossbow and sniper at you, but never use them) AI Info: 78(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 79(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 7A(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 7B(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 7C(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 7D(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 7E(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 7F(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) AI Info: 80(cpus don't use the crossbow and sniper) 86-spooky. 88-ugas. 89-score. 8B-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game 8C-sound. 8D-off. 8E-spooky. 8F-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game 90-ugas. 91-score. 92-off. 93-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game 94-normal. 95-off. 96-spooky. 97-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game 98-ugas. 99-score. 9A-off. 9B-um4uh[1. 9C-hi. 9D-off. 9E-spooky. 9F-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game A0-ugas. A1-score. A2-off. A3-uh[ufd1. A4-AI level. A5-off. A6-spooky. A7-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game A8-ugas. A9-score. AA-off. AB-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game AC-einstein. AD-off. AE-spooky. AF-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game B0-ugas. B1-score. B2-off. B3-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game B4-radar. B5-off. B6-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game B7>B8-game 3. B9-normal. BA-reds. BB-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game BC-raptor. BD-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game BE-english. BF>C0-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game C1-turret player. C2>C4-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game C5>C6-total war. C7>D3-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game D4>D5-off. D6-goal. D7-collection. D8-battle. D9-weasels vs tediz. DA-teams. DB-quit. DC-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game DD-war. DE-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game DF-balance. E0-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game E1-play again. E2-bots. E3-play again. E4-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game E5-beachhead. E6-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game E7-play again. E8-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game E9-death match. EA>EB-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game EC-language. AI Info: EC(cpus aim the crossbow and sniper at the opposite direction of you, but never fires them. if you stand too close, they start rotating erratically.(they do even if you're not close enough to them, if you stay away from them about a number of seconds)) ED-english. AI Info: ED(cpus aim the crossbow and sniper at the opposite direction of you, but never fires them. if you stand too close, they start rotating erratically.(they do even if you're not close enough to them, if you stay away from them about a number of seconds)) EE-spanish. AI Info: EE(cpus aim the crossbow and sniper at your head, but never fires them) EF-french. AI Info: EF(cpus aim the crossbow and sniper at your head, but never fires them) F0-german. AI Info: F0(cpus use the crossbow and sniper, but aims at specific parts on your body, and tries to get a headshot of course.) F1-japanese. AI Info: F1(cpus use the crossbow and sniper, but aims at your head extremely quickly, and tries to get a headshot. most of the time you won't even see their laser sights) F2-AI-view. AI Info: F2(cpus aim the crossbow and sniper at your head, but never fires them) F3-quit. F4-goal. F5-bomb battle. F6-battle. AI Info: F6(cpus aim the crossbow and sniper at you, but never fires them) F7-civilian. F8-cash. F9-race. FA-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game FB-quit. FC-1 player multiplayer resolution. FD-normal. FE-hi. FF-has no description data in the multiplayer options menu, thus instantly freezes the game